Samaritans MDI

The Social initiatives club of MDI Gurgaon

Mandevian Miles

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“If you are losing faith in human nature go out and run” -Kathrine Switzer

Each one of us have different reasons to run, some run to get fit, some run to get peace of mind but on Sunday 31st of July, Mandevians came together to run for different social causes. On this day we showed to all that despite our hectic schedules we all care for those in need and are always working towards building a better society.

Each one of us had a different motivation to run. Each section in the college collaborated with a NGO and ran for a cause. Section-A Mandevians in collaboration with SAATHI NGO ran for creating AIDS awareness. Section B Mandevians in collaboration with MUSKAAN NGO ran for creating awareness for specially-abled kids. Section C in collaboration with DEEKSHA NGO ran to fight against asthma and air pollution in Delhi NCR region. Section D ran in collaboration with ‘Child rights and you’ for creating awareness for protection of children’s rights. HR folks ran for creating awareness about Female foeticide in collaboration with LAADLI NGO. IM folks ran for show casing that they are a part of society in which all Men are against rape and discrimination in collaboration with Breakthrough NGO.

Whatever be our motivation, more than 200 Mandevians came out in their colourful sporting tracks with full enthusiasm to support the greater cause of all, to make our city and more importantly our country a better place to live in for all. Kudos to all the organisers for organizing such a fun-filled event in our campus.

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This entry was posted on November 3, 2016 by in Uncategorized.